While pondering what I should be really doing in the admissions office, I came to the obvious conclusion I am here to help people be admitted. There are many ways to do this, but one danced out in front of me since I had the experience of co-starting the Pre-Chiropractic Club at Utah Valley University. If we can help start, organize, and help these clubs thrive, then we'll not only help bring people to understand chiropractic, but students will be more persuaded to apply first to Life West because of the involvement we had with them in undergrad.
I talked to my boss Shohreh about this idea and she loved it so much that she wanted me to write it up and give it to her so that she could give it to the President of the school (Dr. Clum). This is why I am writing this blog.
The idea is simple, the more we empower undergrads with becoming a chiropractor, the more likely they'll decide to apply at Life Chiropractic College West. There is a clear process to accomplish this task.
- If there is no Pre-Chiropractic Club started at the school, have an incentive (small scholarship) to start one.
- Once the club is started, they would have a workstudy from LCCW help them know how to run the club.
- This workstudy would work in admissions and be their personal contact to ensure that their club would succeed.
- Some ways that they would help them would be: get a list of chiropractors within a 20-50 mile radius, assist them in calling the doctors and interviewing them to see if they are willing to be shadowed, give talks, or support them monetarily or with supplies (ie: posters, skeletons, spines, etc), give a list of all the chiropractic schools in the nation, etc.
- Once they have started calling these doctors then LCCW would send some supplies to the club president to put up in the school to drive more students to know about the club and chiropractic.
- Every year we would then send out a recruiter from LCCW and a student (preferably a Talk the Tic person) to talk with the club and make sure that they are succeeding as a club and help them get donations so that they can come to an Open House.
- We would give them more than the typical recruiter talk because we are mainly wanting to get them excited about chiropractic and not just the school. We would share success stories and maybe an alumni that lives close to them. Also, we would give them a list of technique classes that are offered here and give a short explanation of how each works.
- Any sort of documents or visual aides that we supply to them will all say, "Provided by Life Chiropractic College West", in the bottom corner. This will help them know that we are that constant guide that they can always rely on.