Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Many years ago I did a cleanse because I had just come back from a two year mission in Chile and wanted to make sure that I didn't have any toxins or parasites that decided to come for the ride. I got really excited about colon cleansing back then because I was also taking microbiology and learning about these different pathogens. I had great results, but it's been awhile since I have revisited this... till now.

Last year I took a class from a physiologist who discouraged from doing a "cleaning program" that you could buy. Instead he encouraged us to just eat healthier and make a lifestyle change. That has lasting results, whereas the other is temporary relief.

Once I heard that my heart dropped. I love my oreos, brownies and ice cream. Our ritual at night is to typically have one or all of these. Realizing that I will need to walk the walk instead of running the risk of being called a hypocrite, I knew I needed to change my diet and lifestyle drastically.

Two big things happened. One, Ric (classmate) helped me get a gym pass at the beginning of the year so that I could go with him two days a week. Two, 4 other classmates offered to help me out with the diet aspect. They started a 21-day cleanse from http://www.cleanprogram.com and offered to bring me lunch 4 days a week and I would bring it they other day.

I have been working out 2 times a week for 3 weeks, but this week was the first time I actually went on my own (making it 3 times this week instead of 2). I am loving it!! I don't know why I hesitated so much before. Being scared to go to a gym is a pretty lame excuse. Luckily I had a great friend who helped me get over that.

As for the diet change, that has been tough. I am an emotional eater. Last week was Monica's birthday so we decided to not officially start that week. I still ate lunches that were super healthy, but I didn't have the shakes nor did I refrain from eating my sugar. This week though was different. We started yesterday. SCARY! I made a green drink last night and I hated it. Monica was able to down it ok, and Kim sucked it down like it was lemonade on a hot summers day. This morning though was a lot better as I had Emma coach me on how to make shakes. It actually tasted good. Thank goodness.

For those of you wondering if you should change your healthy habits, just know that there are so many ways you can do it. Figure out what works for you and go for it. I know I am glad I did.