Sunday, October 14, 2012

Clinic Coming to a Close...

It's hard to believe that it is already come to this time of my schooling. I am now a quarter 12 student meaning that the only people who are older than me at school are super seniors. I have been intern of the month since going to Florida to the bootcamp of Advanced Orthogonal. (4 consecutive months). Dr. Bell still hasn't figured out how he'll celebrate cause he has never had an intern do that.

It has been a little surreal though as I have been in clinic 5 days a week till 7-8 each day. Now that I am just about to end, it's hard to realize how much time will be freed up. Change is a good thing though as I have been able to focus more time on my other projects. I have been selling all the class notes that I have been scanning in since the beginning of school. Also I have been teaching the Advanced Orthogonal class with Ric and Drs. Joe and Carol Ball. It has been fun writing tests and making videos to help them learn the process.

This past weekend I have been going to Part IV reviews for boards. It has been only 20+ hours learning nothing but radiology and WOW! I have learned SO much! It really put everything together in a systematic way. I just wish there was more time to write it all down into a program to help other people know how to read x-rays. Makes me wonder how I will be using technology to help chiropractors in the future. I keep making excel files for different reasons. Maybe that will lead me somewhere... :)

Chiropractic is truly amazing. I never could have imagined what chiropractors do if I had not seen it firsthand. To realize that people walk in and have problems for whatever reason, and that all I do is find their subluxations and correct them. Once I do that, they immediately feel better. They may not have zero pain that visit, but their quality of life and function improve dramatically. All of this with just inputting a small force into the body causing a reaction within the body. It's not just a bone out of place. That is something to tell children. In reality it is much much more than that. How else can I help resolve people's low back pain when all I do is adjust their neck? I am working with their nervous system and using the reflexes that we all are hardwired with to cause a change within the body. Yes, chiropractic is amazing.