Friday, May 7, 2010

Align Life Nutrition

There is a lot of confusion when you talk about nutrition. Who do you trust? Where do you buy your food? What should I avoid? They keep changing what's bad for me, does it even matter?!

I have asked these questions a lot of times. I have been battling weight all my life and it's been a frustrating war. I know that I should eat veggies and take out processed foods/drinks along with NO SUGAR! I should exercise and I always feel better when I do, but I still don't. I would love to do a cleanse, but which one? Are they healthy? Do they work? So many questions!!

That's when I found with Dr. . He spoke to Life West and then the next day at the seminar that I went to. What I liked about him is that he became a chiropractor first (so he has the philosophy) then went on to become a naturopath. There were other things that he went into, but needless to say, he has the credentials.

He showed us how the retail/prescription vitamins actually had neuotoxins! I was worried because three very famous pre-natal vitamins contained known toxins.

The thing that I liked the most, was that he would send you to get lab tested for all the toxins in your body (pesticides, neurotoxins, heavy metals, etc) before he would get you on his program. There are too many programs out there that just say that they work without having the scientific research to back it up.

In the end, they have a lot of great products that I would like to get into. One of them is the UltimateBodyCleanse. It's about $220, but it does everything! Improve Immune Function, Digestive System Repair, Liver Support and Repair, Parasite Elimination, and Toxin Removal. Can't wait to try it!


  1. I just read this. It may help ya out. I was trying to find the one that he used at the seminar, but they were pictures of three major labels that showed the toxins that were in them.
